Almeno da quello che TVGUIDE scrive in questo articolo, BIONIC WOMAN non è stato cancellato.

Update: Bionic Woman Has Not Been Unplugged


Michelle Ryan by Carole Segal/NBC

Will Bionic Woman, which before the WGA struck was hoping to reverse its fortunes with a two-part January "relaunch," ever get the chance to fine-tune its engine? Although there were earlier reports that not only had the NBC series exhausted its supply of scripted episodes but had been altogether scrapped, a spokesperson for NBC Universal Media Studios tells, "Bionic Woman has not been canceled. Production was shut down due to the WGA strike. In addition, we have not completed the initial 13-episode order, which will be the first order of business when the strike ends."

What's your take? Is Bionic Woman beyond repair? Me, I think they could kill off Jaime, somehow merge her memory circuits with Sarah's, and then set Corvus out to avenge her successor.

Grazie Anne per la news!